Electronic Books

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Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) سارة السقا أميني ؛ فرح بدوي ؛ ماسا درويش أحمد ؛ دانيا حربة ؛ إشراف د. عبد الرزاق شيخ عيسى

ADHD, called attention-deficit disorder, is a behavior disorder, usually first diagnosed in childhood, that is characterized ...

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Behavioral medicinal therapy for ADHD & Transdermal patches رغد سعدي ؛ حنين عباس ؛ يارا عطايا ؛ إشراف د. هند الزين ؛ بيسان أحمد

ADHD is a popular disorder, often diagnosed in children in young ages. we aimed our study to focus on this disorder since ...

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Novel mouse model for future autism research / Fadi Daoud ; Abeer Farwy ; Alondra Azar

Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a set of neurodevelopmental disorders characterized by a deficit in social behaviors and ...

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